Some medicine for Blue Monday…
Written by Jimmy
Today is meant to be the most depressing day of the year… Blue Monday. The theory goes that we are seriously messed up because:
- The joy of Christmas is gone. We were still benefiting from some bits the first couple Mondays. But now that we’re approaching the last Monday of the month all illusions are gone.
- We weren’t paying attention to the ‘shortest day thing’ and now realise its still dark. December 21-22 is the shortest day, longest night, least sun. But we’re so caught up in Christmas prep that we don’t notice. Now we do.
- Christmas bills have come through and the reality of January salary hits.
- We’ve given up on New Year’s Resolutions and are stuck with our fat, drinking, smoking, selves stuck in our same jobs, same relationships with same commute.
- It’s a Monday
This issue was raised in our office today and immediately a whole series of baby laughing videos were circulated to get us out of the rut. Here are some:
But let me leave you with a separate thought. Just as I find the shortest day of the year my favourite year (for next 6 months every day brings us a God Only Knows worth of new daylight), I think it is impossible to find the most depressing day. Simply put, how can a day be depressing if the one thing you know is that every day that comes after it will be better. That would have to make it an amazing day, which would not make it the most depressing, which means that not every day would be better, which might make it depressing again, but then every day would be better, which would mean it would not be the most depresssing… you get this loop right?
Basically, get over it. New Order said it best:
(Blue Monday)