Do You Wanna Play?

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So early this year, Olivia let you all know about a new and talented artist, Hannah Dorman. She’s a country-rock young singer who also writes her own songs.

She’s launching her EP, titled ‘Do You Wanna Play?’ today at the Boiler Room (29th April) in Guildford.

The EP has four new singles on it called ‘Do you Wanna Play’, ‘Here We Are Again’, ‘One Thing (On Your Mind)’ and ‘Rent This Space’, which are all incredible and will be on iTunes today! She has a very unique style yet her music satisfies multiple genres so I’m predicting that her songs are going to be everywhere.

Here’s the video to ‘Do You Wanna Play?’ by Hannah, to keep up with her via social networking follow her on instagram (hannah_dorman)  and twitter (@hannahdorman)!

To find out more about Hannah check out her youtube channel, facebook  page and her website where she frequently posts updates about upcoming gigs, performances and songs. If you love her music as much as Olivia and I do then share it with friends and spread the word about what could be the next big artist of the year.

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