Abubilla un-officially sponsors the Canadian Synchronized Swim Team
Written by Jimmy
It turns out the Canadian Synchronized Swim Team was in a top secret location training for the London Olympics. Except one thing: we all flew back with them from Southern Spain after our Spanish Jam. And then the very next day, we saw them being interviewed on Tower Bridge. The exact same young ladies that shared our flight. So it must be official. We are un-officially sponsoring them. This means they have full access to our song library to pick the winning song on their road to gold. We don’t recommend Immovable Thing as they’d probably drown on the bottom of the pool. But we can imagine an extraordinary version of Mah Knees, which is all you can see in the event anyway:
There’s a website dedicated to jokes about Synchronized swimming, which we find highly distasteful (click here); and many articles have been written in full defense of the sport. Here’s the best: click here. As the un-official sponsors of the Canadians, we find nothing, absolutely nothing, amusing about the sport. Here is our team with their official “I Believe” video:
And here they are doing Bohemian Rhapsody in June – Great vid, but we do think Mah Knees would be much better!
Okay. Now let’s see if they will use Mah Knees! Come on ladies.