My Favourite Olympic Fact (I know I’m late!)
Written by Jimmy
Maybe I was the last one to see this. But did you know that at 35 stone 5 lbs, Ricardo Blas Jr, who competed on the Japanese team in heavy weight judo, weighed more than the entire Japanese women’s gymnastic team (Click Here)? I liked that….
Which leads to two songs with weight in the title, which is a total non-sense category but hey, it’s all about the music.
1. Golden slumbers, Carry that Weight, the Beatles + Amazing Juggling, which isn’t Judo but it is an oldie and goodie….
2. The Weight by the Band
And with sadness, we report that our support for the Canadians Synchronized Swimming didn’t help much – they didn’t get a medal. They did, however, way more than the Canadian Judo Heavy Weight…
Here’s some more interesting facts – like how it is possible to come second and become a world record holder (when the first place runner does not!)
Comment by Andy Patterson on September 5, 2012 at 3:18 pm