12.11.17 This Week in the Studio

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Very busy day.

The Music

With our Discovery Artists all getting educated at Uni’s around the UK, the SMCC focused on its Fifth Un-named Album, with no promised Release Date.    We focused on three songs:

1.  We re-did My Best Friend Married a Porn Star (Porn Star for Filing purposes, which should help us with you tube hits in the same way B.I.G. Breasts), turning it into an acoustic guitar number with Andy on acoustic guitars, Rob on acoustic bass and Martyn on electric guitar.   Good version.  Watch this space – given it’s Christmas theme we hope to get something out to you by Christmas.  In the meantime, here’s B.I.G. Breasts:


2. We added tons o’ percussion to Road Song…Rob handled all this… his main work was with the surdo drum from Brazil.  Rob worked hard to create a great booming sound, and Andy worked hard to kill all the boom with his gates… and plug ins… In the mean time, here’s another of our songs that heavily featured the Surdo:


3. We added Shakes to Shake:  This is Martyn’s detox confession and we brought in all Abubilla assistants (see below) to add a Shake.   All a bit strange… for all concerned.  Except for Martyn.  He was too busy getting ‘flashed’ by harmonicas….  He’ll explain.  In the mean time, here’s a video of Martyn’s last song:



Everything Else

1.  The Avalanch of Assistants:     Our original Abubilla Assistant, Hannah, has switched over to Singing Wells (our sister charity so we’re very happy).  She has persuaded two others to join us, however, and today was their first day at work.   We apologise profusely to our new asssistants (we’ll avoid names until they have been properly introduced and blogged and profiled) for their first day.  Hannah swore that Abubilla was this cool young/old community.  They both arrived and Hannah was late (again!) and therefore couldn’t welcome and introduce.  Jimmy welcomed them, sort of, but he was fresh off an overnight flight from DC, grumpy and baggy eyed.  Martyn and Rob arrived.  Average age of cool hip young band – 52.    They liked Lewie and Lexie and shared a tiny pizza.  Other than than, however, we did not make a good first impression!  The only good thing (we think???) was Martyn gave a little welcome dance:


2. So much bloody planning:  We then reviewed a million ways to spend money for Singing Wells and the new (shhhhhhh) studio.  Enough said.



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