My Favourite Day

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Yes, there’s the whole world ending thing.  But December 21 remains by far my favourite day of the year.   From this day forward, for the next month, every day is almost 3 minutes longer than the day before.  Each week, the days stretch by 15 minutes.  Each month they stretch by an hour.   Each day I gain God Only Knows worth of Sunlight (clocks in at 2.47 which is about right).   Every 9 days I get a Modern Family Episode worth of Sunlight.

If stop worrry about English weather and worry instead about day length, you’ve got 6 incredible months ahead of you.   Sun, rain, drizzle, snow, fog, mist…. you still get 2.47 more minutes of day light.  And that is a very good thing.  So definitely my favourite day.  Except for the world ending thing…


Happy 21st.


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