Something in Music

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Just had to point out the following — ‘Something’ works really well in Music.

So, I think it all started with James Taylor, recruited into Apple Records as the first recruit of the Beatles-founded label.

1. Something in the Way She Moves, James Taylor


This then motivated George Harrison to take the song title, use it as the first line of his song and write his classic (or as Sinatra mistakenly said in concert – ‘my favourite Lennon and McCartney tune’).

2. Something

Then Nirvana picks up from here in 1991 and repeat the original few words of Taylor — last song from Nevermind, but I picked the unplugged version. You can’t tell me Kurt didn’t know what he was doing here…

3. Something in the way… unplugged (Cobain)

Then Paul Wellar takes over…

4. You Do Something To Me…

But then my world turns upside down! Because Doris Day had a hit with You Do Something to Me, a 1950’s Cole Porter Song.

5. You Do Something to Me, Cole Porter

And suddenly Sinead O’Connor is in the act, with a cover.

6. You Do Something to Me, Sinead Cover.

And THAT’s something to think about!  But that, of course, is not all.  We at Abubilla Joined the Something in the Way She Moves club with our second album, and the song She Knows!   Yes, it is not James Taylor, Paul Weller, Cole Porter, Nirvana, the Saturday Morning Canasta Club… and the Beatles.   Probably, not in that order.


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