Fairy Tale: A Bit o’ Background

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Fairy Tale is all Gus.  As 2010 Scholar, he kicks off Misery Marmalade and Other Spanish Jams with a lone acoustic performance – Gus, his own song, accompanied by his single guitar.   Immediately reminds us of Louise, a 2009 Scholar, kicking off Six Months of Saturdays in the same way, with her song No Poetry

It’s a love song.  Words are simple.  Medody beautiful.  Gus and I were working with Ed on Thru Love in mid April 2010.  Ed had to run off and Gus and I had five more minutes together in Studio.  Gus said, ‘hey, I got another.’  So we did a single mic for guitar and vocals together (Andy had taught me the week before) and off we went.  Gus nailed it in one take (except he screwed by the last notes on guitar, but who cares?).  We added two backing tracks.  Took 7 minutes.  We listened back.  We decided it would start the new album.

So we have an interesting observation at Abubilla Music.  In skiing, the wisdom is, ‘never do the last run.’  The idea being you’re tired and that’s when folks get hurt.  At Abubilla, the new rule is:  always do that last song.  Often the best.     And in the spirit of final words, please watch this…

Here’s the longer version:


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