The Birdies Done all flew the coop…
Written by Jimmy
Well, the little inspirations for The Bird Nest, for the Birdie Song, have done gone flew da coop. And before royalties started poring in… Impatient little things.We always had a bird theme. The villa is Abubilla Villa, named after the Spanish bird that most looks like a wood pecker. I won’t link to a picture because we are forever competing against that damn bird for who comes up top on google when you type Abubilla. Let’s not go looking please.
So that inspired our logo, which is a little Abubilla on a guitar. But, do our amusement, when we were down here for the Summer 2010 Spanish Jam, the little broken terracotta light shade above the outdoor living room had a bird nest. With four little chicks. That led thru a long and winding road to to the Birdie Video, because, not to put too fine a point on it, but one of the little birdies stuck his little birdie behind out the little nest and pooed on Gus.
And now, Jimmy’s back down at the villa for a real break without the Space Monkeys and … sadly, or happily, depending on your view of ’empty nesters’, those four little birdies have all grown up and gone on to better things. Time moves on. I guess the Mona Lisa probably waundered out of Da Vinci’s life, the Norweigen Wood probably all burned up for John, the Sun came and went for George, the Windmills left Damien, and Alice left her restaurant for Arlo, and that dog gone woman probably even lost her umbrella. And we, and sad Gus specifically, has lost his four little chicks.