Studio Tip No. 427. The power cord
Written by Andy Patterson
In this section of blog we outline some major tips for building a home studio. In this section we talk about the critical importance of the power cord.
Man, I seriously wonder what drove you to read further. How interesting could a blog be about a power cord? Chords, I understand. But cords? Goodness. Anyway, in the ‘taking the p*&s’ category of studio advice, Andy passed this one on to me as a ‘must have’ and asked whether we should order six. We think this Silver Signature PowerKord is serious, but it really isn’t high on our list. But, it is Christmas time and some of you might be organising your Santa wish list. On the positive side, we are sure no livestock were worried in the making of this product. And on one has been able to blame power cords on the large number of small plane crash victims amongst musicians.