Spiralling – Free Album Download

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As part of Abubilla’s commitment to promote the music of our artists, we have made Andy’s debut album available for free download in the Soundcloud player above. Click download to get it-track by track. If you like it, then please forward the links below onto friends.

Andy had this to say about the album:

Spiralling is the culmination of about 5 years of work, recorded in studios, churches, front rooms and bedrooms. The album includes songs written when I was 17, up to songs written a few weeks before I finished it. Its a great relief to stand back from something and say ‘here it is, its finished’. I can now move on. There are things I’d change about it if I did it again, but in the main, I’m very happy with it. Enjoy.

For more information on Andy goto: http://www.andypatterson.co.uk

And to buy physical copies of the album, head over to his bandcamp store at: http://andypatterson.bandcamp.com, where for a limited time members of the bird’s nest can get a generous 30% discount by entering the code bigbird at the checkout.

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