A Very Short List of Our Best Blogs
Written by Louise
Welcome, once again, to our little summary of our best blogs. I think I’m getting good at the brief thing, so here you have it. Bam bam bam.
Something funny, but ridiculous, to begin with – a little Cuban toddler shows the Western world how it should be done:
Rob Skipper is our Man of the Match, our very own Artist of the Moment. You can have a quick read of his bassline antics here. And just listen to him in action!
Invading London by AbubillaMusic
Andy’s very own album, Spiralling, is available for a limited release free download – get clicking!
Jimmy reminds us of the perils (and wonderment) of animals in the wilds of the jungle and the savannah. This is breathtaking, nail-biting stuff:
And, last but not least, here I am in a music video made by my friend, Alex Hinx. He’s brilliant, and I get to play a prostitute, which is unlikely castin for me in “real life”, so I love it!