Artist of the Moment: Gus

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Massive contributions in the last two albums and stunning songs coming from Album 4.    Introducing Gus.  Let’s have Gus’s music speak for him.  Here’s our top 10 Gus songs for Abubilla Music:

10.  Little Birdie: World meet Gus.  Gus meet world.  He’s afraid of flies:

9.   Step Up. A Gus song.  Will be on our still un-named 4th album.   Here’s a preview video from inside the villa, November 2010.

8.  Missing: An SMCC song, feat Gus on Lead Vox.   From our second album, Misery Marmalade.   A wee bit of reggae.

The Only Thing That’s Missing by AbubillaMusic

7.  Monkey Space Camp: An SMCC song, closing the second album.  Gus as a Monkey.  It works.

Monkey Space Camp by AbubillaMusic

And became a nice little video:

6.  Mah Knees: An SMCC number with Gus as lead vox.

Mah Knees by AbubillaMusic

And another little video.

5.  In Love: Gus’s song, featured on our second album.

In Love by AbubillaMusic

4.  Fairy Tale: Opens the second album.  Gus in his glory. Fairytale by AbubillaMusic

And another nice little video of same song.

3.  Angel of the Dark: A great Gus penned song featured on our third album

Angel of the Dark by AbubillaMusic

2. Whisper: My personal favourite, not just for Gus, but for our first 18 months at Abubilla.  A stunner: Whisper by AbubillaMusic

1. King Henry’s Tears: but best song has to compete with best Abubilla Moment.  And this remains my best Gus moment and his completes the penguin dive!

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