Looking Back: Yoshi Remix
Written by Richmond - Hunter
My most recent Blog required me to track down a video I made when I was 13, ‘Fight Club, drawn on Ms paint’ in doing so I was presented with a number of five year old YouTube videos, made when I was 13.I have now spent the last half hour watching through them and, so that I seem somewhat productive today, I have decided to present my favourite in the following Blog.
This video was something I made with pride and grace. It is a combination of many, many different things, essentailly, whatever happened to pop into my little tween head. It begins, as I hoped all my videos would, with me rapping. The song I am rapping is something I had actually written two years earlier, entitled ‘We Like the Cat’. I am happy to inform you that I stil know the lyrics, and they are as follows: ‘We like the cat, because it’s good at that, and when i say that I am referring to the shaking of its tail which we cannot do because when we involved from chimpanzees we lost our tail to climb on trees, but cats aren’t chimpanzees, that’s why we like the cat’. I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is ‘I don’t know why Abubilla Music hasn’t hired me as head lyricist’. The video is ofcourse an animation, but being 13 I had no animation software available and, more importantly, no idea how to animate. So instead of maybe reading a few online tutorials of basic lip syncing, I decided to wing it, and wing it I did. What this video therefore consists of is hundreds of images drawn on MS Paint, a cacophony of crudely drawn mouths and lazily scribbled stickmen. But luckily, being an astute young boy, I decided to put in a little bit of political satire.
Once the ‘We Like The Cat’ rap has been played a number of times for good measure, the video jumps into its core substance, the Yoshi Remix. Now this was an age where one of my favourite pass times was making pimping beats on Music Maker Deluxe 2003
my other pass time was playing yoshi’s island
obviously the inevitable result of these two hobbies was the inevitable yoshi remix. It difficult to express the number of hours spent on making the unfocused mess that this music is set to. You can physically see me running out of ideas as the video goes, very very quickly. I believe I start strong, Yoshi eating mario, there something funny in that.
but I immediately began throwing in stuff from what film I had seen recently
and then I began to just do.. this sort of thing…There are still some moments I quite like, such as the series of Monty Python inspired bits at the end.
I guess the main purpose of showing you all this is so that no matter how awful the stuff I produce for Abubilla Music will turn out to be (which it will be, just don’t tell anyone) we can at least all agree that I am improving… hopefully.
It should be noted that this video was uploaded in the early days of YouTube, back when the front page featured the top rated videos, regardless of their view count. This means that for a limited time ‘Yoshi Remix’ was on the front page of YouTube and 18,000 of the 30,000 views it currently has all appeared on the first two days of me uploading. It is comforting to think that we know longer live in a world where a stupid, nonsensical, poorly animated, novelty music video can become one of the most watched videos on YouTube.