An album you ought to know- Adam Green, Minor Love
Written by Richmond - Hunter
‘Minor Love’, Adam Green’s 6th Studio album is a wonderfully odd lo-fi endeavour. You may be most familiar of Adam Green from his work with The Moldy Peaches (..Juno) but you may not be so aware of his later solo work. His albums from the past few years have all had a variety of different aesthetics, to the very polished and clean ‘Sixes and Sevens’ to the more low key ‘Garfield’. The string holding all his work together is his personality, his lyrical content ranges from the poignant to the surreal and to the just plain nonsensical. He cheerfully handles fairly dark material and always maintains enough humour and charm that his darker moments never weigh you down. Some nice examples are ‘Drugs’, a very clear and simple declaration of his love for drugs, (‘I like drugs/ I like to linger in the alleyway/ I like drugs/ I like to hold them for a friend’) and Mozarella Swastika, a dark dadaesque nonsense piece featuring such gems as ‘and the mozzarella sweaters/ get sewn to the tits/ where the lump behind the sheet/ is where the tumor took a shit’).
But back to ‘Minor Love’. Minor Love takes a step backwards in production, meaning that this album is complete with lots of rough edges and static. The gives the album the feel of an old 60s or 70s record which helps to bring Adam Green’s wonderfully written songs down to earth. It is impossible to talk about this album without talking about a little man named Lou Reed. The Velvet Underground influences are undeniably prevalent but the album is never derivative, it has a Lou Reed feel but enough of Green’s unique personality leaks onto each track that it is never distracting. All I can say is that if you’re a fan of Lou Reed I whole-heartedly recommend this album.
Overall this is a fun and catchy album which you should definitely get your hands on.