How did Sherlock Holmes Fake his death? We reveal “all”

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If you haven’t seen series 1 and series 2 of Sherlock Holmes, go buy them now.  Amazing. Some episodes better than others, but generally amazing and last night was the best.  He ‘dies.’  Lots of discussion at Abubilla Music about what actually happened.  Lots of blogs on the topic on line, but we’re not cheating.  Here’s our 5 thoughts:

  1. Sherlock knew he had to stage his death and planned the location of the meeting with M- so it was at a hospital where Molly Hooper works.  Remember he told her he was going to die and needed her help.
  2. You see two visual shots the whole time – you see lots of close ups of Sherlock on the phone and you see lots of close ups of Watson looking up at the figure.  We actually think it is Sherlock jumping but we also are pretty sure that Watson can’t see the body hitting.  Sherlock actually stops him from coming closer at one point and we assume that is to keep him from seeing the body hit the ground.
  3. We think Sherlock jumps, but jumps into the back of a lorry filled with clothing for the homeless.  Somehow we think he deployed his homeless network to help him.
  4. We think he then roles down and pours blood on pavement. He makes sure that a homeless person also runs into Watson and hurts him, so he is dazed and delayed to coming onto the body.
  5. Molly has then arranged for the right ‘crew’ to get the body and maybe there is a switch for M- to make sure someone is pronounced dead.  She can be the one to identify the body, given how upset Watson is.

Now, the problem with all this is it sure looked like Sherlock hit the ground.  But given that this would be a fatal fall, we just assume that this couldn’t have happened and the trick is in the two perspectives of Watson and Holmes.  This is our theory and we’re sticking to it!


One comment

  1. True dat. And, even though Watson tries to help and says ‘I’m a doctor’, they don’t let him near – they show him trying to take Sherlock’s pulse but a woman pulls his hand away. WHAT’S THAT ABOUT, HUH?!

    Comment by Sophie on January 24, 2012 at 10:10 pm

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