Saturday Morning Pizza Order: 2010 Update

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In November 2009, I listed the Papa John’s Pizza Order.  Need to update now that we have more folks — boring, but you can click on the names to find out about the growing band.

1. 2 Medium Thick Crust Hawaian for Ed and Mike.  The pineapple helps with keep the beat and finding never heard of chords.

2. 1 Medium thick crust BBQ Chicken for Andy:  he likes them because Papa John puts the BBQ sauce on in concentric circles and Andy thinks it is kind of spacey.  he denies drug use, but he does spin the pizza around going ‘ooooh’ before he eats it.  But he now also orders a Ham and Mushroom every once in a while.

3. 2 Potato wedges for Louise and Rob.  It is incredibly important that both of them get their carbs at the right time… Louise gets very, very grumpy if carb deprived.   Rob, if you can believe it, just gets quieter. 

4.  Martyn has a wee little thin crust pepporami.  He’s watching his figure apparently.    The fact that he washes it down with 7 beers does not go un-noticed by the rest of us.

5.  Jimmy has an XXL the works, but just scraps off the ‘tops.’    His kids then eat the ‘bottoms’ for the rest of the day. 

6. Nataasha has a Medium Think crust veggie.

7.  Imogen and Sophie go for anything, and if the other six order just feed off the scraps. 


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