Seven Amazing Coincidences …

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We were just reading the paper and then suddenly the penny dropped… Axl and the London Olympics are unbelievably fully inter-twined.  Don’t believe us?  Read on…



  1. 50 days to the Olympics.  Axl Rose is 50.
  2. The Olympics are in London.  Axl is in London.  It gets more amazing.
  3. The London Olympics set out to SLASH its environmental footprint by 21%.  Axl’s guitarist was named SLASH.
  4. At Olympics, athletes talk of ‘losing gold’, and losing silver.    Axl Rose lost his gold and silver jewellery yesterday after he gave a private concert for folks and left his necklaces in his dressing room.  It gets more stunning.
  5. There is a set of children’s books for the London Olympics called, Welcome to the Jungle Olympics.   Axl’s big hit was Welcome to the Jungle.  You can’t make this up.
  6. The Olympics does not have an ‘e’ in it’s name.   Neither does Axl.  He should.
  7. The Olympics Logo looks like a sexual encounter between Bart and Lisa.    Axl had a negative encounter with Lisa (Presley).



When I was younger there was a similar set of facts around Kennedy vs. Lincoln (Always worth a re-read).   But perhaps, these are even more amazing.  I’m just saying…

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