Ed Stone
Ed was born nearly 30 years ago in Staines. Via 8 years living in New Jersey and many more studying science, formula one cars and playing in Cambridge college bands, Ed has become a Beach Boys loving, Gilmour adoring, Dvorak worshipping, 12 bar devouring, married, racing driving, business consulting music aficionado. He also has soft spots for the Beatles, Oasis (albums 1-3 only), Brahms, Wynton Marsalis, the Eels and Paul Simon, to mention just a few.
Ed’s time with Abubilla started when he received a phone call in the back of a taxi cab – it was Jimmy enquiring if he’d be interested in joining ‘this little music thing we’re setting up’. Things started slow with ‘Motorcycle’ (a chord pattern Ed still hopes to use in a song one day) and Ed trying to sing on ‘The Knife Will Come’ (he tends to stick to backing vocals now…).
Things then picked up through the first album, on which he was one of Abubilla’s first two scholars (along with Lou). What did he have to do to become a fully recognised, hoody toting scholar? Provide two tracks of course – ‘Love You Anyway’ and ‘Tommy Come Home’ being his offerings. Through albums two, three and four he has had even more fun than on the first, revelling in the collaborative song writing environment of Abubilla.
Having so many different instruments and vocal abilities available, plus so many ideas to throw into the mix when writing a track, makes for an incredibly exciting experience. He especially likes being able to base his music around the (always on offer) good lyrics, rather than having to desperately think of some (usually crap) words to go with the great chord pattern and tune he has just written.
He is particularly proud to have been involved in King Henry’s Tears, I’ve Just Seen a Face, Immovable Thing and Coins of Love, to name just a few. Bring on albums 5-10!
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Music – it affects us all…
Written by Ed Stone
Even those of us that technically don’t have a soul, but have been programmed to think that we do
The science geek and the artist in me are simultaneously happy – not often that happens!