Mike Park


Mike became the proud owner of his first drum kit at the age of 13, and within 24 hours he and his best friend had written their first disaster. Drafting in another two equally unmusical and spotty contributors, Mike’s first band, A.K.A, was born. Throughout their extended career they fired the lead singer (friendship still intact to this day), played two gigs, and released one CD, which was enthusiastically forced upon precisely 100 unfortunate friends, parents, and teachers. Mike is still haunted at the occasional house party by some joker pulling out an iPod with one of the ill-fated A.K.A tracks.

Fast forward a few years, and Mike is marginally less terrible, and decides to take a “gap year” at a music college in Guildford. After several months, dangerous thoughts enter his head and Plan A (be sensible, go to a good university, don’t be stupid) gets sidelined for Plan B (hit stuff with sticks). Blissfully ignoring the imminent wall that is real life, he loves student life, spending far too many hours a day behind the drum kit.

He found his way to Jimmy through a mutual friend, and gradually worked his way into the group. Coming for the pizza and staying for the great music and even better company, Mike is perpetually and inexplicably optimistic about 2011 and beyond.


Mike also plays with up and coming singer songwriter Kyla La Grange. You can find out more about Kyla here.