Tomorrow I’m catching a flight…
Written by Imogen
I’ve just spent a decent amount on itunes. I dont think I meant to but Ive had most of a bottle of very cheap wine and Ive been singing along to…Read more
Tapas and Gypsies
Written by Imogen
I’m going out for dinner with one of the craziest and best people I know. We’re having tapas. I’m starving and might order the entire menu. In honour of my…Read more
Mr Bluesky Thinking
Written by Imogen
I lay awake staring at a patch of light on my ceiling last night. From 22:30 to 00:48 I argued with people in my vivid thoughts, half dreams and long…Read more
Mild Hysteria in the work environment
Written by Imogen
I would like to make a papier mache mask. I’d actually like to make 3 – 1 for each of my bosses.
Like an ant on Speed…
Written by Imogen
…I am feeling restless. On the train this morning I had the paper open on my lap but dont think I managed to read more than 2 articles. I mostly…Read more
That Friday Feeling…
Written by Imogen
I shall start simply. I am happy. It is only down to the fact that it’s Friday and in an hour I’ll be free and drinking wine somewhere (anywhere!)
Songs that, when I’m writing, make me stare out the window
Written by Imogen
I’m normally on the train commuting when I’m writing with i-pod on. Occassionally one of the below songs will come on and immediately I’ll lose focus on the page and drift…Read more
Secret Squirrel Stuff
Written by Imogen
I’ve got a secret squirrel of a plan and it’s burrowing away at the back of my head.
Inspiration…How to write anything
Written by Imogen
I’ve got a few days off work and with an empty flat and new laptop I’ve written more in the past 2days than I normally get done in a week.