Sun…Sun…Sun… and the Deep Blue Sea
Written by Jimmy
We celebrate 4 straigtht days of London Sun… with a litle song from the ‘other Bob.’
Millions of Wiggles
Written by Jimmy
How to make $20 million by singing hot potatoe and other quick tips to make a killing in music….
Greg has fun with wood.
Written by Jimmy
Greg Barnes provides us a great video for Wisconsin and more importantly another of his classic making of videos…. A Can’t Miss. Boy with toys
An extraordinary dilemma
Written by Jimmy
Greek crisis? Let me tell you about something far far worse. Still recovering.
Better than Sex….
Written by Jimmy
Having skipped the first, reviewed the second in shocking detail, we now turn to the third greatest invention of all time – the remote control. And we honour Mr Polley, it’s inventor, who only made $1,000, while going on a little rant about the difference between Mr. P and Mr. Z.
Robin Gibb, RIP
Written by Jimmy
In memory, we offer his favourite song. One of the great singer songwriters….
The beauty of patterns as demonstrated with snipers
Written by Jimmy
In another example of strange, we connect Sri Lankan snipers to the ‘bells of the cathedral?’
“Mother punishes horses” and other adventures in Chinese Language.
Written by Jimmy
Travelling around Hong Kong singing Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma, an Mandarin song that pits mothers against horses in a fight to the death. Or something like that.