Written by Jodie Bryant
It’s the modern girl (not as good) version of the Beach Boys! Californian band, ‘Bleached’ formed of 2 sisters Jessica and Jennifer Calvin’s new album ‘Ride Your Heart’ is…Read more
Skiing experiences
Written by Jodie Bryant
It’s one of those typical ‘family stories’ that only becomes funny about 2 weeks later …but I wanted to share just to establish the TRAUMA I went through last week…Read more
P*nsioners in Paris
Written by Jodie Bryant
I hope you understand the play on words in the title… I stole it from my friend who’s ingenious idea it was to have an elderly themed 18th!!? I think…Read more
San Cisco
Written by Jodie Bryant
I haven’t written about this new band I really like! San Cisco are an Australian band and before they renamed themselves they were called King George. I prefer San Cisco…Read more
I love you!
Written by Jodie Bryant
So I was going to write about Valentines day songs, when I realised that last year (before I was hired) Jimmy beat me to it with his blog post! So I…Read more
Do the Right Thing
Written by Jodie Bryant
Dog is Dead have a new song! Woo! What makes it even more great is that two of my friends are in the video, so i thought I’d do my…Read more
2012 Year in Review
Written by Jimmy
We released Chris’s album No One But Yourself and shuffled between our Richmond Studio our Spanish Jam and our Singing Wells trips to East Africa; a world of travels in this, our very special Olympic Year – filled with lots of GB Gold and AM Music Videos.
Written by Hannah
Being a waitress at one point in your life means that you will forever see the world of fine dining in a different light…
Top Music Videos of 2012
Written by Hannah
We love music videos. We love making them, on our youtube channel we have 16 music videos, a whole bunch of live performance videos and almost 60,000 viewers! This all-enduring…Read more
Many Short Never Mind The Buzzcocks Clips You Can Procrastinate With
Written by Rosie
What it says in the title.