Tati’s Journey, Part 10: The Visitors
Written by Tati
And thus the New Zealanders descended on our peaceful abode. Because we haven’t seen them in six years, and because they’re only here for just over a week, there…Read more
GOOD NEWS! AKA Stuff My Mum Says
Written by Tati
Mother Kalveks, fashion barometer extraordinaire, has just declared that “racism is on the way out”! Fab. Now lets celebrate with an unrelated video from Garfunkel and Oats.
I Hate Everything Except Nicki Minaj
Written by Tati
I’ve spent a good few hours being mocked by an overly sassy computer program which is glitching in such a sneaky, almost-insignificant-but-actually-really-important way that I just can’t fix it. I…Read more
What Traffic?
Written by Tati
Lolz ahoy. So apparently all those big scary ‘DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BRAVE THE STREETS OF LONDON DURING THE OLYMPICS’ messages, and those big, insensitive ‘As a compromise, you could…Read more
Tati’s Journey Part 9: Our Favourite Deluded Luvvie Returns
Written by Tati
Hello sausages, I’m back. After my lovely (two week) sabbatical in Italy getting those creative juices flowing, catching ducklings etc etc I have returned to the little media storm I’ve…Read more
Dara, Driving and Me
Written by Rosie
Learning to drive is not something that’s coming to me particularly easily. For example, last Saturday I stalled the car 16 times in 40 minutes, consistently used the windscreen wipers…Read more
Austin Powers Proves Joy In World
Written by Rosie
Austin Powers is the silliest film I’ve ever seen. I know that because the other day I watched it with Tati, the silliest person I know, and she was so…Read more
Musical Compadres Part 1: Chris
Written by Rosie
What do you think of the name? I really mean related artists but that sounds boring and I’m trying to entice you read this post, so I had to jazz…Read more
Tati’s Journey, Part 8: Art I Would Starve For, Art I Wouldn’t
Written by Tati
Today I got a little bit of loving in return for all the emails I’ve been sending. I awoke to find a message from the team organising screenings of Miss…Read more
Tati’s Journey, Part Seven: Reviews
Written by Tati
Today I emailed a gazillion online music reviewers and asked them to review Graceless. Scary stuff. Although I’m sure few of them will actually read my email, it’s still daunting asking…Read more