Airbrushing and Photoshop – when things go really wrong.
Written by Jimmy
we track down the theive that stole Kate Moss’s daughter’s fingers and reveal other airbrush/photoshop disasters…
Our closest allies….
Written by Jimmy
First the Killing the Borgen. Now humiliation for the US President. The latest from the Danes.
No Dead Flies? Try the Oracle of Bacon
Written by Jimmy
Got 30 minutes? We can waste it. Our latest in recommendations to waste your time.
April Fools Day? Music? We couldn’t resist
Written by Jimmy
Took awhile, but a little April Fools Day prank involving Music.
Britian’s best female song-writer? Cathy Dennis or Tati….
Written by Jimmy
We wish Cathy Dennis (Britian’s most successful song-writer?) a happy Birthday today – but make a three point argument that Tati writers better songs… in our very humble opinion.
Barbershop Quartets
Written by jesus
Here is a barbershop quartet singing about the Delta 502 plane that went missing in Philidelphia and its called Darkness on the delta…. And this final Accapella is tribute to…Read more
Written by jesus
Now I know it isn’t quite summertime yet but with this weather I couldn’t help myself writing a blog about the song Summertime by George Gershwin from his Opera Porgy…Read more
Gypsy Music
Written by jesus
Now here are some quick little examples of some of the different types of gypsy music and of some of its influences and some of the things it has come…Read more
Spring is bustin’ out all over….
Written by Jimmy
Our spring has sprung – even the urban foxes are in on the act. But don’t type Spring has Sprung into you tube. Scary. Very very scary.