London Songs
Written by Jimmy
Motivated by the BBC Last Night, we recommend a few songs about London – including one of our own.
Best News Reporter Bloopers
Written by jesus
Now being on TV is a big deal and can be really scary, even News Reporters who go on TV all the time can crack and her is a brilliant…Read more
Illegal Baby Names
Written by Hannah
“This week the Pope declared war on parents naming babies after celebrities, fruit or popular sports cars. In an address to parents, the ever-progressive pontiff pleaded with worshipers to ‘give…Read more
Top 5 Feel Good, Walking Down The Street With a Smile On Your Face Songs
Written by jesus
I thought I would be ambitious and go for the top 5 feel good songs because its always good to be happy and one of the best ways I find…Read more
Happy Valentines Day All
Written by Jimmy
Let’s get the conversation started… my 5 favourite love songs….
Steve Jobs and Music
Written by Jimmy
We list Steve Jobs top 5 Songs and remember again his prickly perfection…
Remembrance Day and 11.11.11 11:11:11
Written by Jimmy
This Friday is Remembrance Day, a unique Remembrance Day, where we celebrate on 11.11.11 at 11.11.11. Most of us won’t be around to witness this again. We are remembering the…Read more
The only Belgian song to reach #1 in the USA? What do Singing Nuns and Blind Melons Have in Common?
Written by Jimmy
Abubilla Music tackles two of the most important questions on our fans’ minds and offer up 5 one hit wonders for your consideration…
Remixes and Sampling
Written by Richmond - Hunter
Sampling, the direct use of another musicians’ work in your own song. Is it justified? I would argue yes, of course. Any piece of creative work feeds off of all works that have come before it, whether consciously or not.
California: 9 Songs About the State and 1 about a Train
Written by Jimmy
For no reason, Abubilla Music gives you a list of songs about California. Only 49 more states to go!