Illegal Baby Names
Written by Hannah
“This week the Pope declared war on parents naming babies after celebrities, fruit or popular sports cars. In an address to parents, the ever-progressive pontiff pleaded with worshipers to ‘give…Read more
My First Attempt At Organising a Gig
Written by jesus
Around this time last year my friend Rory and I decided to organise a fundraising gig for our school’s choir tour around Australia. We ourselves were in a band called…Read more
March 3: Funky Cold Medina
Written by Jimmy
Keep it away from puppies. But Funky Cold Medina is back to celebreate Tone Loc’s 46th.
March 2: Lou Reed is 70 today. The King of very, very cool.
Written by Jimmy
As a young man he taught us how to ‘walk on the wild side’ – as he aged, even Mr Grumpy taught us to celebrate a ‘perfect day. Happy Birthday Lou
March 1: All These States
Written by Jimmy
Great day for Big Fat US States – and a great day for great songs named after Big Fat US States….
Diner: Impact on Movies/TV, Impact on Music
Written by Jimmy
In this month’s issue, Vanity Fair talks about Diner’s impact on Movies – we go further, linking it to serial murders and modern lovers.
Davy Jones. RIP
Written by Jimmy
For a lot of us, the Monkees were our Sixites, and Davy was our ‘same sized buddy.’ It is a sad day.
This is What Crazy Looks Like… Via Text
Written by Jimmy
It’s Leap Year – this is a warning that strange things can happen on dates….