11.07.17 This Week in the Studio
Written by Jimmy
OD’s. Yep. Over dubs. For the last three Saturdays we’ve been doing lots of over-dubs, mixing and liner notes for the next album, so I’ll put all this together into…Read more
11.05.28 This Week in the Studio
Written by Jimmy
Michael writes and performs Mansuit, Andy composes a silent movie soundtrack, and Rob plays keys…
This Week in the Studio: 11.05.07 (and ridiculously good dog video)
Written by Jimmy
A wee bit of Opera, the introduction of The Richmonds, Hannah takes her first lead, two studios operating, Cecily takes a rest and the triumphent return of Louise. A pretty…Read more
This Week in the Studio: 11.04.30
Written by Jimmy
We started the weekend celebrating a Royal Wedding and continued right thru to Saturday in the Studio, working on another song by Michael, called TV.
This Week in the Studio: 11.04.16
Written by Jimmy
Ed returns to the Studio after a long absence with Trumpet. Boys day, so we do a chick song that none of us can sing. Maybe an instrumnental?
This Week in the Studio: 11.03.19
Written by Jimmy
A true ‘Discovery Artist’ day as we work on Michael and Charlotte’s Discovery Albums.
This Week in the Studio: 11.03.06
Written by Jimmy
Michael does a better job than Jimmy on the ‘overture’; Jimmy reaches an incompetence milestone. Charlie Sheen amuses us over Pizza while Hannah and Andy deliver the goods.
This Week in the Studio: 11.02.26
Written by Jimmy
We hadn’t gotten together since before the Brazil trip – so great day to catch up, exchange best you tube clips and buckle down into output mode as we prepare…Read more
This Week in the Studio: 01.01.29
Written by Jimmy
Alright, I was grumpy so really didn’t enjoy the studio that much on Saturday. But I got to watch Gus cry which was really quite a lot of fun.
This Week in the Studio: 11.01.22
Written by Jimmy
A Score: count ’em. 11 folks visited the studio today and that is AFTER losing Rob due to flu and Charlotte due to Birthday (Happy Birthday Charlotte!).