New Music Friday: Biscuits and Gravy
Written by Rosie
Biscuits and Gravy is a band from Boston, MA, with a majestical seven members including one ghost. The name will sound odd to anyone outside of America, so we’ll…Read more
Musical Compadres Part 1: Chris
Written by Rosie
What do you think of the name? I really mean related artists but that sounds boring and I’m trying to entice you read this post, so I had to jazz…Read more
Could Do Better
Written by Tati
Or: why Tati is disappointed in the current ladies of pop. My main issue with these ladies is that they all clearly have potential that I think (because obviously I…Read more
The Amazing Esperanza Spalding
Written by jesus
Now this new music sensation is the coolest new artist around. Firstly she has an afro!!!… Secondly she sings AND plays the double bass… Now obviously her music…Read more
Written by jesus
Now I know it isn’t quite summertime yet but with this weather I couldn’t help myself writing a blog about the song Summertime by George Gershwin from his Opera Porgy…Read more
Gypsy Music
Written by jesus
Now here are some quick little examples of some of the different types of gypsy music and of some of its influences and some of the things it has come…Read more
Stop Making Sense Festival
Written by jesus
Now in a little fishing village in Croatia called Tisno there is an annual event, a music festival called Stop Making Sense. This festival though is no ordinary festival like…Read more
More Like Trees
Written by jesus
This a new acoustic group who have the funkiest instruments which consist of a cajon and double bass a guitar and two violins. They are playing this year at stop…Read more
Is it me? Aren’t these the same singer?
Written by Jimmy
Jimmy argues that lead singer of Talking Heads and Rusted Root are the same person – David Byrne. He will accept no counter-arguments.