Tati vs The Internet: Songwriting Tips, Shot Down
Written by Tati
I am skeptical of songwriting tips found on the internet for the following really good reasons: Songwriting is a flexible art. Obviously. How-To guides on the internet tend to…Read more
How to Disassemble your Bike
Written by jesus
Now you might ask why you might want to disassemble your bike so I will tell you why that could be a good thing of which firstly if you have…Read more
Changing the size of the Centre Circle for Canon Label Print
Written by Andy Patterson
99% of you will not find this useful or interesting. The other 1 % will. If you are also the fabled wealthy 1%, then you can show your appreciation through a donation to the Abubilla Music Foundation!
How To Guide: Adding Media to Your Blogs (WordPress Tutorial)
Written by Hannah
Another mini tutorial in using WordPress, Abubilla style, for our Voices lot (or anyone else). Here’s how we like to add our pictures, songs and videos..
How To Guide: Getting Started on WordPress (WordPress Tutorial)
Written by Hannah
A little guide on how to blog on Word Press for anyone who is struggling..
The future of Music Distribution?
Written by Andy Patterson
So, this morning, an email popped into my inbox at Abubilla Towers, and I thought I’d share its contents with you:
Pro Tools 9 -the Install
Written by Andy Patterson
So, I took the plunge, paid my £209 and upgraded to ProTools 9.
Hunter Shot Bear…
Written by Jimmy
Stupid but fun little virile marketing campaign. Type in Drinks as a starting point… click here
A conversation with one of the founders of Innocent Drinks about Abubilla Music
Written by Jimmy
During the first week of September, we had lunch with Richard Reed, one of the founders of Innocent Drinks, to get his advice on how to run Abubilla Music –…Read more