The Drama Queen
Written by Jimmy
Given that my Abubilla life is about learning to work with ‘artists’ (vs. business folks) and is somewhat a battle of left vs. right brains, I found this particularly funny!…Read more
Why music is so important…
Written by Jimmy
This is considered the most amazing ending of College football game (American football) — please note the importance of the band…
Mah Knees — next club hit (or not)…
Written by Jimmy
Big news to report from the ‘front lines of cool’ (as Hunter likes to refer to his social life).
My Magical Gym Bag
Written by Jimmy
Okay, my mind has to wander when I’m in the gym; so here’s where it went. I actually have a magical gym bag with all sorts of wonderful objects. Here’s…Read more
Why children still need a bit of adult supervision…
Written by Jimmy
My kids believe that when we go away now on trips, they can be left alone without adult supervision. This is my 8 second argument.
In reponse to Jimmy’s bad parenting video…
Written by Ed Stone
…I thought I should share these examples of why, even if they aren’t great, parents are still absolutely required by the majority of the world’s young…
Jam Jar Competition: Jimmy’s Dead Fly Submissions
Written by Jimmy
To be honest, it was a bit cloudy in Spain today. So inspired by dead fly art and the Viagra submission, we have now moved on to our formal submissions…Read more
Tip of the Day: Don’t Give Viagra to Flies
Written by Jimmy
Okay, again not very proud of this, but here’s our little advertisement for Viagra and flies.
Tip of the Day: Keep track of your fly!
Written by Jimmy
Now, this isn’t really an Easter topic, but it is important. It’s some advice about Dead Fly Art.