Best News Reporter Bloopers
Written by jesus
Now being on TV is a big deal and can be really scary, even News Reporters who go on TV all the time can crack and her is a brilliant…Read more
Guitar God Andy Mckee
Written by jesus
For you who have never heard of Andy Mckee he is an American finger stylist guitarist who has been around for many years but I thought I would bring him…Read more
My First Attempt At Organising a Gig
Written by jesus
Around this time last year my friend Rory and I decided to organise a fundraising gig for our school’s choir tour around Australia. We ourselves were in a band called…Read more
Don’t believe what you see on the television
Written by Andy Patterson
Guitarist turns down Britain’s Got Talent.
An Abubilla Assistant
Written by Hannah
Here I reveal THE TRUTH about this little alliterative phrase. Abubilla Assistant: That’s me. I’m sure you’d all love to know what it’s like. Well here goes.. Good things: –…Read more
The future of Music Distribution?
Written by Andy Patterson
So, this morning, an email popped into my inbox at Abubilla Towers, and I thought I’d share its contents with you:
Written by Hannah
Just came back from the magical world of Glastonbury Festival, where I was mesmerized by mesmerizing bands and artists that were so famous that it didn’t really sink in, like:…Read more
Jimmy’s Secret Geordie (Gospel) Life
Written by Hannah
On June 20th 2011, Hannah posted the following blog: I happened to be in Durham last week (visiting the University, yes I am at that stage in my life and…Read more