Okay okay… I should get back to posting…
Written by Buenos Aires - Matias
I admit it… I saw Agustin’s post and thought “damn, I haven’t posted in a million years…” so thanks Agustin for the empowerment. I prefer music do the talking, so…Read more
Great videos part 1
Written by Buenos Aires - Matias
This is one of the best videos I’ve seen in the last couple of years. The music is not “to die for” but it’s quite good, considering it’s a “I…Read more
Argentinean psychedelic things
Written by Buenos Aires - Matias
This is some of the finest Agentinean stoner-rock, incredible ambiances and passages to pleasurably get lost.
How to listen to soft music
Written by Buenos Aires - Matias
Spike Jonze is really, really, really good Ok, this might not be Spike Jonze, but it\’s good and might look like Spike
Voices – Buenos Aires – Matias
Written by Buenos Aires - Matias
Okay, so this was very painful and difficult for me… But here goes a very unfair “top 5(?)” and a very brief explanation of “what???”: