We’ve had bald Bob…

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… And now we’ve got bald Mike. He looks remarkably egg-like.

Peace and Love and Lennon and Marley and Bar Chords

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Okay.  A lot of you won’t ever notice this video.   A lot of you if you noticed this video would think, ‘well, that’s not great.’   Some of you would notice…Read more

Background to Songs on King Henry’s Tears. A bit about Bob.

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Don’t be confused. This isn’t about a song.  It is about Bob, who appears a lot on King Henry’s Tears.  Given how often I reference him in the song backgrounds, it…Read more

The Perfect Trip to Spain and Launch of Winter 2009 Spanish Jam

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Because of the difficulty in getting insurance for the band to all travel at once — our record company has read too many stories about small plane crash victims amongst…Read more

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