Abubilla Music: Our History to Date
Written by Jimmy
For History Buffs, we do our best to tell you everything you never thought you’d need to know about the history of Abubilla Music
Music file not Found
Written by Imogen
I’ve got a gadget on my phone. That’s unlike me because I’m not a gadget type of person. I’m a spiral bound, narrow ruled, hard back kind of gal always…Read more
Background to Our Songs – Cold Light of Day
Written by Andy Patterson
Cold Light of Day by AbubillaMusic So, a good few years ago, I had an idea for a lyric while wandering around the charming sea-side resort of Playa de las…Read more
And then there were none…
Written by Imogen
So after getting mellow and disheartened and slightly unmotivated to do anything the world has once again tipped on it axis (axes? not sure about that one) and yet again…Read more
*** The 500th’ Blog ***: Time for a Best of…
Written by The Saturday Morning Canasta Club
THIS IS THE 500TH BLOG. 500. Seems a good time to take a little ‘looksie’ at the best of our blogs and Moments… Stick to the end, because we…Read more
I think I just turned mellow
Written by Imogen
Turned a year older this week. Didn’t wake up with that excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. Got a card from someone I love that they also gave me…Read more
Midweek madness
Written by Imogen
It has just gone past midday on this midweek day. That means a fresh weekend is looming closer and this week has almost gone. Not that I’m wishing my life…Read more
This Week in the Studio: 10.10.09-10.10.10
Written by Jimmy
A massive turn out at our London studios as we rally to finish If I Were a Little Birdie, in advance of our next Spanish Jam.
Tough week?
Written by Imogen
It’s been a tough week. I’m coming down with some sort of cold and I’m having a familiar realisation that however much work I get done, none of it is…Read more
This Week in the Studio: 10.09.18
Written by Jimmy
Women and Guitars. Monkeys and Origami. And turning Andy’s song from James Taylor to White Snake…