The Way I Tend To Be
Written by Jodie Bryant
Soooo… this is me rocking a yellow anorak, hope you like!
Spray on Clothes
Written by Jodie Bryant
This is AMAZING! A Spanish designer, Manel Torres, has invented ‘spray on clothes.’ Sounds crazy right? And you would just presume it’s just spray paint onto a body, which is…Read more
Why I was absent at work last Saturday…
Written by Jodie Bryant
As well as every Saturday at the moment (which makes me sad), I wasn’t in last Saturday cos I got some exciting news! Guess who’s in the new Frank Turner…Read more
Rilo Kiley
Written by Jodie Bryant
Apart from having a really cool name, Jenny Lewis is a great singer; her voice! I’m not sure if I sound really stupid writing a blog about a band from…Read more
Kids Humour
Written by Jodie Bryant
My friend showed me this blog a while ago, because the humour on it reminded her of me (I don’t know if this was an insult or a compliment- she…Read more
Written by Jodie Bryant
It’s the modern girl (not as good) version of the Beach Boys! Californian band, ‘Bleached’ formed of 2 sisters Jessica and Jennifer Calvin’s new album ‘Ride Your Heart’ is…Read more
Skiing experiences
Written by Jodie Bryant
It’s one of those typical ‘family stories’ that only becomes funny about 2 weeks later …but I wanted to share just to establish the TRAUMA I went through last week…Read more
P*nsioners in Paris
Written by Jodie Bryant
I hope you understand the play on words in the title… I stole it from my friend who’s ingenious idea it was to have an elderly themed 18th!!? I think…Read more
San Cisco
Written by Jodie Bryant
I haven’t written about this new band I really like! San Cisco are an Australian band and before they renamed themselves they were called King George. I prefer San Cisco…Read more
Written by Jodie Bryant
So apparently this years Brit Awards was the most boring one ever… C’monnn they’re cute! no…? I watched and I really didn’t feel this was the case, I mean…Read more