Why being an assistant at Abubilla…

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… Is the best job in the world. About to make these dreams, a reality…

Pro Tools 9 -the Install

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So, I took the plunge, paid my £209 and upgraded to ProTools 9.

Charlotte’s First Day

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I had no idea what to expect when I timidly knocked on the door of The Saturday Morning Casanata Club (AKA Jimmy’s house). I’d received an email the day before…Read more

Recording: How to Build A Home Recording Studio 1.0

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Okay, so this is a blog about creating a home studio for audio recording and it will involve 7 steps.  It will be told from a Home Studio for dummies…Read more

How To Guides: Timebases in ProTools

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So, there are two different time bases in Pro Tools. You’ve heard people say it, but what does it actually mean? When you create a track in PT, it basically…Read more

Ed’s excellent adventure in Abubilla Scholar Land

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The phone rings.  

I Am a Scholar

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As it mentions in the little biog on my artist’s page, I did gig a bit in Bristol. When I say ‘gig’, I mean I coerced my flatmate to accompany…Read more

Global Village Part 1

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So, on our last jaunt down to Casa Abubilla, we neglected to transfer one of the tunes onto our transfer drives. The reasons for this are a few fold, but…Read more

Studio Tip No. 427. The power cord

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In this section of blog we outline some major tips for building a home studio.   In this section we talk about the critical importance of the power cord.

Pratap and Joy

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Pratap is our gardener in Spain.  Joy takes care of the house.  They are married and Abubilla Music cannot exist without them. 

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